Intended for use with old Standard (Hold on manually) DBV and SSV units to keep your Whip/Wand connected to the device. Turns your vaporizer into a Hands Free device!
For Super Surfer Vaporizers or SSV Vaporizers purchased after 2020, you likely have the "Spherical Flavor Disc Wand." Look for the spherical ground glass surface and the wide inner step for accepting a 20.8mm Screen or Flavor Disc. Choose the option: Spherical Flavor Disc Wand or 20.8 Screen Size Wand
For DBV and older SSV your whips are most likely the "Conical" variety, featuring a ground glass tapered surface. You may have the original "Standard" model which has no ground glass at all. For these vaporizers choose this option: Standard Wand, Spherical Wand, 19 Female Wand or 15.8 Screen Size Wand