VaporWarehouse has teamed up with Vaporbrothers Vaporizers to handle the Dabbler Vape-Pen warranty coverage for the first 90 days. This advance replacement program will help speed up the process of warranty service. Please click this link for details about the Vaporbrothers Dabbler Advance Replacement Program.
This coverage applies to all Dabbler vaporizer purchases, even ones you made at other retail locations. No matter where you purchased your portable Vaporbrothers Dabbler Vape-Pen, VaporWarehouse is here to lend a helping hand. Proof of purchase and a deposit, to make sure we get the old battery back, are required.
We understand how frustrating it can be to make a purchase only to have something go wrong with it in the first few weeks. To help lesson that blow, VaporWarehouse decided to offer an Advance Replacement Program to handle warranty coverage of the Vaporbrothers Dabbler Vaporizer for the first 90 days.
This program will speed up the turn around time it was taking Vaporbrothers to replace factory defective parts. It also ensures that no money is taken out of the customers pocket to cover the replacement (ie: postage costs to return defective part). One option does require a credit card deposit but the card will only be charged in the event the defective part is not returned. A valid proof of purchase is required.
This program applies to the Vaporbrothers Dabbler pen vape only, for information about the whip style Vaporbrothers Vaporizers please see their warranty page. Please visit our information page about this program or contact VaporWarehouse directly for more details.