Customer service is outstanding! Lifetime warranty, made in USA, mineral heat element, this is something medical aromatherapy products patients could def find good use for. No need to buy volcanoes, too expensive. This one is perfect. No flaws. Plus, u CAN leave the vape on for long periods of time, even with product in it. I fell asleep with mine on and product in chamber, woke up and was still able to hit it, didn't burn it at all. Im impressed by the quality. U get what u pay for. Really. Let's Jus hope they don't switch to oversees production, quality and rep would go wayyyyy down. I Jus wish I had more room to say more. Buy this u won't regret it.
Pros: This vape is incredible! For the box style, its the best you can find especially for the money. I paid 244, few days later it was on sale for 218, VB was happy to credit my card the difference. Kudos to them! The vape has NO plastic or aluminum. Changing screens is easy! I found the BEST setting is at the 7 oclock position. In order to actually vape, u need low heat. Vape heats up quick, ceramics r awesome! U can use less aromatherapy products and still get a great feeling from it ;) stir it around n pack it down to keep consistent draws. Use multiple screens, I tend to get flakes thru the hose. save ur spent product, combustion cloud it on them days ur out, u can still combustion cloud it and feel great.
Cons: Don't bother heating it up on max for 10 mins, its pointless. Jus put on 7 or 8 oclock. Experiment, take slow long rips, if combustion cloud comes out then inhale a little harder until u notice a white mist come out.. If u pull slow then it'll heat the product too much and u get combustion cloud. All u really need is .1 g, if that. And u will be feeling great. Really does save on product! I don't have neg things to say, ran out of room on other section lol. I could write a book on how good these products are. Seriously good build quality. I'm impressed by the grinders too, very solid. Vape is quiet too! No one in my house knows what I'm up to :D