The Difference Between The Hands Free and Regular Vaporbrothers Vaporizers Explained
Note: The "Regular" Vaporbrothers is now referred to as "Standard"
All you ever wanted to know about the difference between the Standard Vaporbrothers and the Hands Free Vaporbrothers. Our most frequently asked question.
• What is the difference between the Hands Free and the Standard Vaporbrothers?
• How do I know if I have a Hands Free or a Standard Vaporizer?
• Can I use a Standard Whip on a Hands Free Vaporizer and Vice Versa?
• How do I decide between Standard and Hands Free?
Q: What is the difference between the Hands Free and the Standard Vaporbrothers?
A: Both units have the Natural Mineral Ceramic heating element and use a glass on glass interface, the only difference is one simple thing:
Hands Free Whips stay on the unit without being held, Standard Whips don't.
Hands Free: The Hands Free vaporizer and Hands Free whip have ground glass connections that allow the whip to fit over the heating element. This provides a secure connection that allows the whip to stay on the vaporizer without being held. This frees that hand to operate a hydrator or water device.
Notice how the whip pictured here on the Hands Free Vaporbrothers stays attached to the unit without any assistance.
All products on our site that are designed to work with the Hands Free vaporizers will be listed as
Hands Free in the description and have the Hands Free logo
Standard: When using the Standard Vaporizer the whip does not fit over the heating element. Instead the whip is held up to the unit while the hot air is drawn over the herbs. Many people prefer the regular vaporizer for the control it gives while taking a draw, particularly the ability to rotate the whip and easily pull it away to view the current color of the herbs. Which vaporizer is right for you is strictly a matter of personal preference.
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Q: How do I know if I have a Hands Free or a Standard Vaporizer?
A: The best way is to simply look at your heating element. The Hands Free element pictured below on the left has the ground glass connection allowing the whip to secure to the heating element. The Standard element pictured below on the right is clear and smooth to the rounded end.
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Q: Can I use a Standard Whip on a Hands Free Vaporizer and Vice Versa?
A: You can make it work. However both Hands Free and Standard whips will work in a Standard manner and require you to hold it to the heating element while taking your draw. Hands Free whips on Standard units will not operate in a Hands Free manner.
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Q: How do I decide between Standard and Hands Free?
A: This is simply a matter of personal preference. We will list here some of the things people do and don't like about each unit to help with your decision.
Hands Free
+++ Pros +++
- Much easier to operate when using a hydrator or water device
- Whip can be left on the heater allowing you to vap at your leisure
- Prefered by newcomers 2:1
- Great for people with disabilities
+++ Pros +++
- More affordable for unit and replacement Whips
- Easy to rotate while taking a draw to evenly brown the herbs
- Glass stays relatively cool
- Easy carb action to clear tube of vapor
- Whip can be used on either unit
--- Cons ---
- Requires you to stir the herbs to get even browning of herbs
- Can become very hot!
--- Cons ---
- Cumbersome when using a hydrator or water device
- Not hands free
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