Holistic Care for the Elderly

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The more things change the more they stay the same. That seems to be more true today than it ever has been. With the advances in technology and medicine that we hear about every day, it seems that we move more and more towards all-natural, holistic approaches to living healthy lives. Now it appears that more attention is being places on holistic approaches to caring for our seniors and elderly.

Mental maturity and consciousness is of great importance. A more highly conscious, wise, intelligent, and learned person can reap the benefits of this wisdom or consciousness at any age: young, middle aged, or senior. This Indian-Hindu philosophy of seniority, known as jnana-jyeshtha, can bring youthfulness in body and mind and actually influence our life to reverse aging. In addition to emphasizing consciousness, the anti-aging program I have developed slows down and reverses biological and mental aging. Integral parts of this holistic program include diet, based on a person's unique body and mind type; the application of the Indian sciences of Ayurvedic detoxification and rejuvenation; Yoga therapy, Nerve-Muscle Integration, and Mind-Body Integration; and the use of modern, noninvasive tests for biomarkers that can provide early-warning signs of premature aging and disorder.

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